Be a Financial Goal Getter in 2022!

A man standing next to a car with the words ready? set goals.

Congratulations, you have made it to another year! Join us as we speak this into existence: 2022 will be another year of change, growth, and triumph. Yes, with some North stars guiding us, we can get to where we want to go!

Does it feel like everyone and their cousin – and their cousin’s cousin’s friend – are setting goals for the new year? Well, we’re here to help you join in and become a “Financial Goal Getter” in 2022. By setting financial goals to aim for, you can guide your actions all year round. And by sticking to your plan, you start to establish positive financial habits and become a goal getter. Let’s get to setting those goals, shall we?!

Set Your Financial Goals

Forget the “all or nothing” pressure mindset and recognize the path to achieving your goals may not be a straight line. And that’s totally ok! We suggest creating goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based. (SMART) Setting SMART goals should play a part in every Goal Getter’s plan of attack.

1. Choose your area of focus

This can include creating a budget, managing your debt, buying your first house, improving your financial knowledge, establishing enough savings, starting a business, or protecting your estate.

2. In the simplest way possible, state what you want to achieve

Not sure where to start when it comes to creating your goal? Here’s an example: “In the next year, I want to increase my savings by $10,000 through sticking to my budget and automating my savings.” This is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. That’s right, this is a SMART goal.

3. Start small, then build up

Motivation and holding yourself accountable can be key in reaching your goals. But it can be hard to keep negativity out of the mix when what you are accomplishing doesn’t feel “world-changing.” A way to keep yourself empowered is through noting your every-day achievements. One less coffee run today? Celebrate it. Put an extra 5 bucks in your savings account today? Celebrate it.

Remember this quote from Desmond Tutu:

There is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time.

– Desmond Tutu

It’s all about leveraging tools to make this work easier. Luckily for you, OneUnited Bank has a suite of amazing products, services, and tools that can help do just that… simplify everything.

Choose the Right Financial Tools for You

Let’s break down the OneUnited Bank suite of industry leading financial products and services at your fingertips:

  1. Savings Accounts: One of the most powerful ways to manage your finances is to have a few savings accounts for different goals – those long-term ones like downpayment to buy a home or a new car, and those short-term ones like vacation or holiday shopping.
  2. Automatic Savings: An automatic savings plan, where funds move automatically into a savings your account can be one of the most effective ways to save. Our AutoSave service can do the work for you by rounding-up every purchase you make into your savings. It’s like giving you a super charge of savings power!
  3. Money Management: Keep tabs on all your financial accounts in one place and with a quick glance or two with our Money Management service. See when your upcoming recurring transactions will most likely hit. Get tips on how to build a budget to help you pay off debts you may have, and much more. It’s a one-stop location to manage your finances easily and securely.
  4. OneUnited Bank Mobile App: No branch, no problem. Access the power of the bank in the palm of your hand and stay on top of your progress with our highly rated mobile app. Check out your account balances, update your settings and be notified when your money moves, transfer money between your bank accounts, and much more. You can keep your mind on your money and your money on your mind when you need to.

Start the year off on the right financial footing. #GetFinanciallyLit. Set your financial goals and then go get ’em!

Ready? Set? Goals!

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