Introducing the Solidarity Card!

A card with the word solidarity on it.

Our new Solidarity Card has arrived!

As the largest Black owned bank in the country, OneUnited Bank introduces our first vertically designed card with a Black power fist to make a statement that we have come together in Solidarity!

Last year, our provocative Harriet Tubman Card went viral and received national attention, and today, according to CNBC the Harriett Tubman $20 bill is being accelerated. This year, we introduce the Solidarity Card to represent Black Americans and our allies coming together in solidarity to fight for economic and social justice! You can get the Solidarity Card HERE!

AutoSave Makes Savings Easier

The Solidarity Visa Debit Card and our other unapologetically Black Visa Debit Cards also offer our new AutoSave service, to automatically transfer your change from card purchases to a savings account. AutoSave makes saving easy to help you build wealth! Learn more about AutoSave by clicking HERE!


Build Wealth through One Transaction

OneUnited Bank encourages all Black Americans to come together in solidarity to focus on OneTransaction in 2021 to build generational wealth! We are holding a FREE OneTransaction Virtual Financial Conference on June 19th (Juneteenth), in partnership with Visa, and providing Action Steps to get it done! You will learn from expert presenters in business and personal finance including Daymond John, Michelle Singletary and Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista. Space is limited, so register today HERE!

A card with an image of a fist.

Simply Get the Card or change your card design by visiting “Additional Services” in online banking or “More” in Mobile Banking. Our new Solidarity Card represents #BlackExcellence, #Unity and the power of the #BankBlack Movement.

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