Who do you turn to, other than us (wink), when you need quick, helpful answers to financial questions? It’s these highly melinated financial influencers consistently dropping knowledge! Today we show you how social media can upgrade your approach to #FinancialLiteracy!
Let’s break it down in a new series we call #BankForTomorrow where we discuss all things future-tech and banking. Get your phones out and log into your social! We are about to change the game. Follow these 3 (out of 6) top financial influencers today and put yourself ahead. Choose your favorites or indulge and select them all! Ok – now that you have logged in, let’s get #FinanciallyLit shall we!

Her Profile:
- Founder of ‘Live Richer Movement’ with 1M+ dreamcatchers worldwide
- New York Times Bestselling Author
- Currently “America’s Favorite Financial Educator”, formerly preschool teacher
Her Bona Fides:
- Her Live Richer Academy provides an impressive knowledgebase, access, and community to 25,000 students.
- Founder of Brown Ambition Podcast for ambitious Black and brown women interesting in investing and making smart careers choices.
- Wrote the Law A1414 (The Budgetnista Law), making it mandatory for financial education to be taught in all middle schools in New Jersey.
Why Tiffany?
- Tiffany has at her disposable a host of financial resources & tools to make financial education accessible to people worldwide. She is a master at making financial information accessible.
- She was featured in our OneTransaction Virtual Financial Conference in 2021 where she blew away our audience with her captivating personality. Check out her book Get Good With Money!

His Profile:
- National bestselling author of 4 books
- Focuses on money and relationships
- Reaches over 15 million people in 15 different countries
His Bona Fides:
- From YouTube to podcasts, he is bringing the heat! His audio and highly informative visual content help to create a comprehensive medium for learning.
- Every reason for ever season, Anthony has you covered. He even has a guide for “Asking Hard Questions While Dating.” We think this isn’t spoken enough about, finance in romance!
Why Anthony?
- We love his focus on building financial literacy early. Whether it’s bringing debt alleviation for student loan debt to our young community or encouraging them to tap into the entrepreneurial spirit inside themselves.

Her Profile:
- Millennial
- 10+ years of experience as an accountant and default counselor
- Launched in November 2017 (The Broke Black Girl)
- Real-talk coaching and strategies
- Focuses on young women of color
Her Bona Fides:
- Single handedly helped over 700,000 African American women kickstart their personal finance journey through culturally relevant financial education.
- Provides financial tools and online challenges created to help women achieve their short-term and long-term financial goals.
Why Dasha
- She is on a mission to “bridge the gap between equity and financial education”, which we deeply resonate with ourselves. Central to our mission to economically empower our community is closing the #RacialWealthGap!
- She gives us MAJOR #BlackGirlMagic energy! Yes, that is a valid reason… She even includes in her IG bio: “It’s Costly to be a Woman: Pay Us”! She is a top-notch selection. You’re welcome.
It’s never too late to start or expand your interest in #FinancialLiteracy. Really, at any age, you can unlock this knowledge and pass it down to your family. All it takes are the right influences and institutions in your corner.
Knowledge is power, and power is responsibility. So, get out there, and share your newfound knowledge so we can all #BuildBlack! #BankBlack!