Setting Financial Goals to Achieve your Dreams

A chalkboard with the words goals are with deadlines.

Many of us have dreams of owning a home, taking a vacation to an exotic destination or maybe buying that perfect little red sports car we always notice on our way to work. Just because we’re adults and we have responsibilities doesn’t mean that we should give up on our dreams. Turning these dreams into reality is possible with a good financial plan that includes saving and maintaining a good credit score. A dream without a plan is nothing more than a wish.

One of the most important steps you can take is to set achievable financial goals, then actually stick to those goals. A survey from the Nielsen research firm found that seven out of 10 people across the world believe they will achieve all their financial goals, but only 28 percent have a plan that will help them reach those goals. Setting financial goals helps set you apart and actually make your dreams come true.

The National Endowment for Financial Education recommends setting SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Trackable. The organization offers 10 basic steps you can follow and provides a downloadable SMART goal worksheet on its website.

When you understand the steps necessary for budgeting and setting goals, it’s time to put your money to work for you. OneUnited Bank offers affordable financial services to help you plan to achieve your dreams, such as automatic savings plans. Socking away just $25 a week will turn into $6,500 in savings in just five years. That’s enough for that dream vacation, or to help with the down payment on your dream home.

Many people face the challenge of battling poor credit, which can result in higher interest rates on car and home loans. If bad credit is getting in the way of achieving your dreams, look into OneUnited’s How to Rebuild Credit Program. Following the steps OneUnited recommends can lead to a healthier credit score, which could mean achieving your dreams sooner.

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