Juneteenth: A Day for Action

Juneteenth a day for action.

On this Juneteenth, we not only celebrate, but we also ACTIVATE our allies, our communities, and our nation! Although reparations will address history, more immediate change is possible if this day of remembrance is seen as a calling card for action!


It’s been over 400 years since the beginning of slavery; more than 150 years since we observed Juneteenth as our “Second Independence Day;” and 3 years since the nation officially observed Juneteenth as a federal holiday.


We have come far as a nation to address our history and productively move forward. Still, we feel the burn of inequality like it is a fresh wound… So, what is next for us? Is it reparations?


Status of Reparations


Although there has been progress in increasing the awareness of reparations and its importance, the complexity of implementation remains a challenge.


Opponents may believe “African Americans are treated equally in society today,” however, there are unending examples where this is not at all reality: the racial wealth gap, the income gap, the housing gap, the healthcare gap, the education gap-where does it end?


Nonetheless, the recognition of Juneteenth as an official federal holiday has left an impression on Americans of every background. Belief in reparations continues to grow, particularly among younger generations.


These younger demographics expect to see action taken across society on systemic racism, especially from organizations.


For the Black community, Juneteenth is a day of freedom, peace, and rejuvenation. For our allies, Juneteenth should serve as call for activation, a push to make change a reality-not just a nice-sounding platitude.


Juneteenth In the Workplace


HELLO LEADERS – this is where you come in! At every level, organization type, and location, the leadership sets the tempo for racial justice.


Through Juneteenth, we can understand how racial justice is inseparable in the storytelling of our nation’s past and aspirational future. In the present, Juneteenth is celebrated for its significance, however, celebration and action are two separate things.


Action is where your DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) objectives come into play.


Celebrating Juneteenth in the workplace assures Black employees that your organization recognizes Black heritage and the undeniable struggle of just simply being Black. Action, including putting in place concrete steps towards increasing access to opportunity, is where we can deliver on Juneteenth.


Look beyond campaigns, office parties, and granting staff the day off. Addressing equity should guide your initiates. If you celebrate Juneteenth, you also need a substantial, measurable, accountable roadmap documenting how you are acting in solidarity with the Black community.


Many organizations have centered action as their focus for Juneteenth. One such example is the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in their Action for Cultural Transformation strategic plan.


Juneteenth Activation


Your organization might need a heavy dose of ACTIVATION to deliver on solidarity claims.


These can include:

  • Anti-racism training across your organization.
  • Revaluation of your talent pipeline and extend your efforts to HBCUs.
  • Recruiting based on experience over education to reach historically excluded talent.
  • Connecting BIPOC staff to mentorship and sponsorship.
  • Build out programs for investing in and supporting Black owned businesses.
  • Build your task force of internal experts or DEI consultants to help you analyze and report on your progress for next year’s Juneteenth.

We urge everyone to build long-term partnerships and initiatives that embody the freedom promise of Juneteenth! We encourage the Black community to rest and restore. We urge our allies to activate and act! #BankBlack #BuyBlack

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