Home Loans

Home Loan Consultants

Any of our Loan Consultants can help you achieve your goal of purchasing or refinancing your home! We are 100% committed to excellent customer service.

By refinancing or purchasing your home with OneUnited Bank, you can have confidence in your decision. Our Loan Consultants in each of our branches will work with you – confidentially and one-on-one – to guide you through the home loan process. We care about you and the communities we serve!
Sherri Brewer

Chief Retail Officer

Sherri Brewer

Sherri manages our Branch Manager Loan Consultant team to ensure they understand your needs and your goals. We are committed to providing all the information and assistance you need every step of the way. Sherri ensures that our Branch Manager Loan Consultants help you make a smart home loan decision.

Loan Consultants

Any of our Loan Consultants can help you achieve your goals of purchasing or refinancing your home! We are 100% committed to excellent customer service.

Taylor Toston

Taylor Toston

Compton Branch
[email protected]
NMLS ID# 1877075

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Sandra Osorio

Sandra Osorio

Crenshaw Branch
[email protected]
NMLS ID# 1874937

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Ernst Joseph Headshot

Ernst Joseph

Miami Branch
[email protected]
NMLS ID# 744119

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Loan Consultant Renne Whitehead

Renee Whitehead

Grove Hall & Roxbury Branch
[email protected]
NMLS ID# 848997

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Portrait of a person with long dark hair wearing a white top against a dark blue background.

Michelle Elliott

Grove Hall Branch
[email protected]
NMLS ID# 1090515

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