
Grow Your Savings with Confidence

Get empowered with our user-friendly savings accounts to set goals, track progress, and build a financial cushion that lasts a lifetime.

safe and dollars

Elevate your finances with revolutionary technology.  

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Savings Options

Money in jars related to BankBlack Savings
No Monthly Fee with Direct Deposit*

OneUnited Savings

Save for your future. Avoid monthly fees with direct deposit.
Gold stacks of coins and piggy bank related to Unity E-Gold Savings
No Monthly Fee with Minimum Balance**

UNITY E-Gold Savings

Grow faster, boost your interest rate even higher!
Timepiece and Benjamin Franklin related to Unity CDs
No Monthly Fee


Maximize your returns. Invest in your near future, 4 months to 2-year terms.

More Information

See our Digital Products and our Online Truth in Savings Disclosure for more details regarding interest products.

Also, we offer other checking accounts in our branches (not Digital Products). See Personal deposit products for more information.

Savings and investment concept. Young plant growing in the glass jars that have money. Coins and plants are grown on a pile of coins for finance and banking.

* For any month you have at least one direct deposit during the month, the monthly Maintenance Service Charge Membership Fee will not be charged for that month. An Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) credit or an AutoSave deposit transfer counts as a direct deposit.

** See our Online Truth in Savings Disclosure for Minimum Balance to Avoid Fees

Access TheOne Digital Banking Solutions

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Add or Send Money

Transfer funds between your account at another financial institution and your OneUnited Bank account.

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Save Simply, Save More

Watch your savings grow and achieve your financial goals faster.

mail envelope

Build Wealth with New Technology

Access AI driven personalized insights and instant alerts 24/7 with WiseOne™ Insights.

Pie chart icon

Master Money Management

See every account in one place with Money Management.

Profit shield icon

Get Cash Locally

Access the Nation's largest surcharge-free ATM network, 100,000+ locations.

Icon Loan No Credit Check

Rebuild Your Credit

Build or re-build your credit with no minimum credit score.

It takes 5-minutes to start elevating your finances

See exactly where you’re spending money, how you’re achieving and how you can improve.